
All businesses are required by Order of the Provincial Health Officer to develop a COVID-19 Safety Plan through WorkSafeBC. We are focusing on the following measures:
• Encouraging guests to complete a Covid-related questionnaire upon arrival and prior to booking
• Providing space to allow people to maintain physical distance
• Practicing routine cleaning and disinfection
• Ensuring staff and guests have easy access to hand washing stations or hand sanitizing supplies.

Display signs encouraging hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and physical distancing for staff and guests, particularly in high-traffic areas, including the front lobby, reception areas, as well in back of house areas.

Physical distancing between guests and staff
We ensure that adequate physical distancing can be maintained between us and guests throughout the space which is essential to reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19. A safe physical distance of at least 2 meters between everyone should be maintained as much as possible.
In areas where we cannot maintain the physical distancing we encourage the use of non-medical face mask. For information on the use of non-medical masks, please visit WorkSafeBC or BCCDC masks page.
We encourage a lower occupancy in the common indoor areas through making more use of the provided outdoor spaces.

Hand hygiene
We encourage everyone to avoid the sharing equipment, such as pens, computers and cell phones. If equipment is shared, disinfect after each use.
Hand sanitizer dispensers and disinfectants have been placed at entrances and high contact areas, including meeting spaces and other public areas.
Visit the hand washing page for more information.

Cleaning and disinfection
We provide enhanced cleaning and disinfection practices in accordance with existing requirements regarding laundry, housekeeping, and food safety regulations.
This includes:
• Using a disinfectant that has a Drug Identification Number and a veridical claim.
• Increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of high-traffic areas and high-use items, such as door knobs and handles, handrails, light switches, washrooms, and counters
• Cleaning all dishware and kitchen equipment daily and between guests
We follow enhance precautions and practices for cleaning of guest rooms and laundering. Cleaning of guest rooms is done when guests are not in the room. Should guests have any symptoms of COVID-19, we follow the recommendations of BC CDC such as mandatory quarantine, wear of masks and avoidance of any contact to other guests or staff.